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Updated: Aug 18, 2021

Changing habits and lifestyle can help you lose weight and decrease belly fat, and can help you shed up to 2 kg each week, depending on your starting weight. However, in order for this to happen, the methods must be implemented on a daily basis. Furthermore, if the person is trying to lose weight, it is not a good idea to check the scale every day to see if they have gained or lost weight, since this can cause anxiety and interfere with the process. The ideal is to weigh oneself only once a week, at the same time every week, and to take into account if you are on your period, because this week you are likely to be a little more swollen, which will show up on the scale.

1. Eat slowly and respect the body's satiety

Slowly eating permits the satiated stomach to communicate with the brain that it has had enough food. This signal comes before the stomach is totally full, and it should be regarded as your body alerting you that you don't require any additional food at this time. Those who eat quickly, on the other hand, are unaware of this satiety signal. in addition to minimizing the amount of time spent in contact with food and improving the enjoyment of the meal.

One of the most important aspects of losing weight and avoiding weight gain is to respect satiety. Satisfying the stomach with nutrient-dense foods like vegetables, fruits, meat in general, and healthy fats improves metabolism and keeps hunger at bay for longer.

2. Drink more water during the day

You should drink plenty of fluids between meals, as this will help reduce hunger and fluid retention because the more water you drink, the more urine your body produces, and with your elimination also toxins that impair weight loss come out.

· What you can drink: water, coconut water, natural juices without added sugar (package juices do not work), teas without sugar;

· What you cannot drink: soft drinks, canned or powdered juices, chocolate drinks and alcoholic beverages.

The amount of water required per day varies between 1.5 and 3 liters. If you have problems drinking water, discover how to manage to drink 2 liters of water a day.

List of foods rich in water

Water-rich foods include more than 70 grams of water in their composition, and some examples include:

3. Get some exercise

The frequency of practice, which should be done at least three times per week, is more important than the type of exercise. Plus, a few simple everyday activities and decisions can make a big difference, so give it a shot:

· Taking the steps rather than the elevator;

· Before going to work or school, get off at a stop and walk the rest of the way;

· After lunch, go for a 10-minute walk;

· At night, take the dog for a walk.

Contrary to popular belief, all sorts of exercise, not just aerobics like walking, cycling, and jogging, can help you lose weight. Weight training also aids weight loss and has the added benefit of building muscle mass, which boosts metabolism.

Watch this video to learn the best workouts for losing weight and reducing abdominal fat:

4. Eat everything, but not much

The body requires all nutrients, and diets that fully eliminate carbohydrates result in weight increase within a short period of time. So here are some helpful hints:

· Avoid simple sugar in your daily routine by drinking unsweetened juices, coffee, milk, yogurts, and teas.

· 1 tablespoon flaxseed, sesame, or chia seeds can be added to juices and yoghurts.

· 5 to 10 nuts or peanuts each day;

· Per meal, limit yourself to one carbohydrate source, preferably natural.

· Before lunch and dinner, eat a raw salad;

· At lunch and dinner, add 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil;

· After you've had your fill, don't eat anything else;

· Avoid eating to satisfy a hunger or to cope with negative feelings like anxiety or melancholy.

Fruits and vegetables give a lot of fiber and vitamins even in tiny amounts throughout the day, so they are a source of health and can help you lose weight and decrease belly fat.

5. Avoid getting too hungry

Long periods of time without food might lead to the consumption of unhealthy, high-calorie items rather than the preparation of a nutritious meal. So, here are some ways to help you avoid or delay hunger until you eat a nutritious meal:

· Always keep a half-cup of nuts, peanuts, fresh fruit, coconut chips, or dried fruit in the bag;

· 1 entire natural yoghurt should be kept in the fridge at work;

· When you come home, eat vegetable-based snacks like carrot sticks, cucumber with mashed avocado and salt and pepper, large cube tomato with a bit of salt and oil, coconut chips, or 1 hard-boiled egg while making supper.

If you can't eat any meals throughout the day, just focus on the quality of the next meal and keep some little snacks on hand in case you get hungry. Gradually, it becomes clear that the majority of the time, it is not hunger that is causing the problem, but rather worry over eating.

6. Write down everything you eat

Writing down everything you eat throughout the day is also a good weight-loss strategy because it allows you to be more aware of what you eat and, as a result, identify mistakes and areas for improvement, allowing you to change your eating habits to lose weight and live a healthier life if that is your goal.

It is recommended that you register everyday and after each meal, as this will help you recall what you ate. The sort of meal, whether lunch, breakfast, snack, or dinner, the hour of the meal, the food consumed and quantity, the location of the meal, and if anything else was going on at the time should all be included in the food diary. It should also be noted with whom the meal was prepared and what the mood was at the time. This record should be kept for three to seven days so that you may get a better picture of your eating patterns.

Following registration, it is critical to review all dietary choices with a nutritionist in order to detect faults and develop methods to attain the desired outcome. In addition, the nutritionist recommends the finest foods to avoid nutritional deficiencies and to help the client lose weight in a healthy manner.

In the video below, you'll find further weight-loss and belly-fat-loss tips:

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